Ocular migraines, also known as retinal migraines, are a rare form of migraine that primarily affects vision. They can be alarming as they often involve temporary visual disturbances, sometimes leading to temporary vision loss in one eye. Recognizing the signs and exploring natural treatment methods, including upper cervical chiropractic care, is essential for those experiencing this condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Ocular Migraines

Visual Disturbances: Typically, the primary symptom of an ocular migraine is a visual disturbance, which may occur in one eye. These disturbances can include seeing flashing lights, zigzag lines, or blind spots.

Temporary Vision Loss: In some cases, ocular migraines can lead to partial or complete vision loss in one eye. This loss is usually temporary, lasting anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.

Headache: While not always present, ocular migraines can be followed by a migraine headache, which may occur on one or both sides of the head.

Other Symptoms: Nausea, light sensitivity, and dizziness can also accompany ocular migraines.

Causes and Triggers

The exact cause of ocular migraines is not well understood, but they are believed to be related to changes in the blood flow in the brain. Triggers can include stress, bright lights, high altitude, dehydration, low blood sugar, and hormonal fluctuations.

Natural Treatment Methods

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: This specialized form of chiropractic care focuses on correcting misalignments in the upper part of the spine, particularly the neck region. By restoring proper alignment to the cervical vertebrae, upper cervical chiropractic care may help in reducing the frequency and severity of ocular migraines by improving blood flow and nerve function.

Stress Management: Since stress is a common trigger, techniques like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can be beneficial in managing stress levels.

Dietary Adjustments: Maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated is important. And, identifying and avoiding food triggers can also help prevent ocular migraines.

Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular, moderate exercise can improve overall health and reduce the occurrence of migraines.

Adequate Sleep: Ensuring a regular sleep pattern can help in managing migraines.

Herbal Remedies: Some herbs, like feverfew and butterbur, have been used for migraine relief, but it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before using them.

Ocular migraines can be unsettling, especially due to their visual symptoms. Understanding these signs and implementing natural treatment methods can greatly aid in managing and reducing the occurrence of these episodes. Upper cervical chiropractic care, in particular, offers a promising approach by addressing potential cervical spine issues that could contribute to the condition. As with any medical issue, it's important to consult healthcare professionals for a proper diagnosis and to determine the most effective treatment plan.

How Dr. Bejian Shamloo Treats Ocular Migraines

Upper cervical chiropractic care is a potent approach for addressing ocular migraines, offering sustained results by tackling the condition's root cause. At Upper Spine Knoxville, Dr. Bejian Shamloo is proficient in this specialized chiropractic technique, focusing on the primary sources of ocular migraines rather than merely alleviating their symptoms.

Prior to initiating treatment, Dr. Shamloo conducts thorough diagnostic evaluations to accurately identify any misalignments in the upper cervical spine. He employs sophisticated imaging technologies, including infrared thermography and CBCT scanning, to gain a detailed view of your upper cervical region. This advanced imaging allows Dr. Shamloo to execute precise adjustments during your treatment.

After pinpointing misalignments, Dr. Shamloo utilizes gentle, non-invasive adjustment techniques aimed at realigning the vertebrae and alleviating nerve compression. These methods are designed to be pain-free, providing a non-surgical and medication-free option for those suffering from ocular migraines.

For individuals whose daily routines are disrupted by ocular migraines, contact Dr. Bejian Shamloo of Upper Spine Knoxville for a consultation. Serving a wide area, Dr. Shamloo provides treatments for patients in Knoxville, Alcoa, Maryville, Farragut, Clinton, Oak Ridge, Sevierville, Lenoir City, Karns, Hardin Valley, Powell, Halls, and Fountain City in Tennessee, as well as to those in nearby regions.

Published by Vic Belonogoff: An upper cervical chiropractor helped heal vertigo, among other conditions that Vic Belonogoff suffered from, and it gave him his life back. He continues to see an upper cervical chiropractor as a preventative measure. Vic Belonogoff is passionate about upper cervical chiropractic and how much it helps patients.

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